Today we will learn about NgFor one of the core directive of
angular. NgFor helps to build list and tables in Angular
Let us see the example in our flower store app. In the
landing page I am going to print list of flowers that are available in the
store. Later we will add images and show them in a carousel to rotate automatically.
First we will create the domain class called flower.ts and you can copy paste below code.
export class flower{
constructor() { }
price:number = 0;
availableQuantity:number = 0
To use this domain class inside another component you must specify export keyword along with the class keyword.
Flower domain has 3 attributes to store name of the flower
then price and the available quantity.
Now we can create the array from the flower type as below
inside the landing.component.ts file.
I will call a method inside ngOnInit to add values to the array as below.
ngOnInit is one of the life cycle hooks used in angular and
it executed only one time when component is initiating.
ngOnInit() {
let rose = new flower(); = "Rose";
rose.price = 100;
rose.availableQuantity = 1000;
this. myFlowerList.push(rose);
let lily = new flower(); = "Lily";
lily.price = 80;
lily.availableQuantity = 2000;
this. myFlowerList.push(lily);
let tulip = new flower(); = "Tulip";
tulip.price = 100;
tulip.availableQuantity = 2300;
this. myFlowerList.push(tulip);
let carnation = new flower(); = "Carnation";
carnation.price = 50;
carnation.availableQuantity = 1500;
this. myFlowerList.push(carnation);
Now we have an array with different flowers. Let’s see how
we can iterate the array using ngFor directive.
Copy paste below code in you landing.component.html file.
<ul> <li *ngFor="let flower of myFlowerList"> {{}} </li></ul>
myFlowerList is the array that we defined and initiated in
the landing.component.ts file.
*ngFor is helping to loop the array element and it will hold
each element in flower object and you can access it properties with the . operator.
{{}} is called interpolation and it will print the value of
the variable in your browser.
Now let’s check our browser. Here it is.
Finding the index of a list element
Now let’s see how you can track the index of each element
and use that index to generate unique id for each flower element.
<ul> <li *ngFor="let flower of myFlowerList;let i = index">
<span id="flower_{{i}}">{{}}</span>
How to use trackBy?
Track by function is using to improve performance. If you
don’t use track by function whenever your array get change it will reload the
whole DOM object but with track by function it will change only that element.
To use trackby function you can update landing.component.html file as below
<ul> <li *ngFor="let flower of myFlowerList;trackBy:trackFlowers"> <span >{{}}</span> </li></ul>
Then define the trackFlower function in landing.component.ts file as below.
trackFlowers(index,flower){ return flower?}
I hope you enjoyed the post. In next post we will apply some
styles and background flower images to our flower list.
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