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Android: How to launch android emulator from command line or batch script?

Many Windows based Android developers are facing difficulties in running Android Studio on Windows machines due to lack of performance issues. But if you are developing mobile application using language like React Native you don’t actually need to work on Android Studio. But most of the time you have to use Android Emulators to test your application. If your windows machine does not have at least 16 GB of RAM you always face severe performance issue while running Android Emulators.


One solution to this issue is you can use your mobile phone to test react native application without running on Android Emulators. For that you only need to run Metro server on your PC and test application run on your mobile phone. But this method has drawbacks you have only one platform to test your application. If you want to test your application on multiple platforms you have to use several Emulators with different Android versions and architectures.


Another solution is without load your Android Studio if you can use Android Emulators alone that will give better performance. For that you can use command line to load Android Emulators.

Open command prompt anywhere and use the following command


To get the list of available emulators


emulator -list-avds


To open a emulator


emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_23


If you have multiple emulators this method is also cumbersome process to type different command and load emulators. For that I wrote simple batch script for each emulator needs to run and simply double click on the batch script to run emulator as standalone application.

Here is the batch script file code:



cd C:\Users\<Your User>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator

emulator -avd <Your Emulator Name>


Save this code with file name <Your File Name>.bat. Then double click on the file to run the emulator.





cd C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator

emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_30


Above script run Pixel_2_API_30 emulator in “C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator” path.


Happy coding….😀



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