MD5 Hash code is a unique string of characters that can be generated for a given character string. This Hash code is very important when you compare string values. It is not technically correct to compare two string directly. Good method is generate Hash code for both the strings and compare those Hash codes. Virtually it is agreed that accuracy of Hash code comparison is much higher. Not only to compare two strings, we can use Hash code to compare two files as well. There it is required to read a file as byte stream and generate Hash code for that stream. To compare that stream with second file you need generate Hash code for second file as well using same method and compare those Hash codes. Using this method you can check whether any changes has happened to the content of the file as well as meta data of the file. So that MD5 Hash code is really important in various scenarios. Most of the programming languages are directly support for MD5 generation. Even SQL commands are avail...
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